#Denji sentai megaranger episode list series#
Missing Mom: Episode 10 reveals she died before the series began.The Lancer: Not only he is a foil to Kenta being the blue oni, this is indicated in their visors, as his is the opposite of Kenta's in terms of design.Though when he decided to be nice, he's nice. Jerk with a Heart of Gold: For the most time, he's quite aloof and a bit of insufferable.He manages to gain his memories back when Kenta returns the favor. Identity Amnesia: Suffers this in Episode 30 when he takes a sword strike to the head from Giga Guirail defending Kenta.Genius Bruiser: Although he's really the smart-type, anyone who wields an axe can't be considered non-heavy hitter.Difficult, but Awesome: "Mega Blue is hard to use".Batman Gambit: His specialty as the team strategist.An Axe to Grind: The Mega Tomahawk, which is a very futuristic-looking hand-axe.He's still pretty aloof compared to the rest, though. At first prioritized his dream than fighting, causing him to quit, but ends up going back anyway since dreams can be re-created, but not friends. The token genius boy, an aspiring computer graphic artist. Shun Namiki/Mega Blue | Actor: Masaya Matsukaze Simple Staff: The Mega Rod, which is a staff with a crescent-shaped blade on the end.Signature Move: The Rod Break, where the Mega Rod is slashed in crescent formation at the target.Not that they're brave enough to admit it. This continues on through the series, even to the point where at the end of Episode 18, Everyone Can See It. Ship Tease: Kouichirou gets along quite well with Chisato, but the whole of Episode 7 teases them immensely.If those stats that appears when they transform are to be believed, he's the most powerful Megaranger, being a Lightning Bruiser.Mighty Glacier: According to the game, Mega Black is 'slow but powerful'.Leader Forms the Head: The back part of his Shuttle Voyager-2 separates from it to form the head of the Mega Voyager, doubling as a Cool Hat in the process.But Kouichirou is far more responsible and qualified for this position. The Leader: A surprising variation in Super Sentai, as the Red Ranger is usually the leader.Everyone Can See It: According to Episode 18, the other Megarangers get that Kouichirou and Chisato really interact well with each other.The Big Guy: More like the tall guy, but he towers over his fellow core Megarangers.He is the appointed leader of the Megarangers, due to being more responsibile. Model student, Student Council President, a hard working boy who pretty much treats everything like Serious Business. Kouichirou Endou/Mega Black | Actor: Atsushi Ehara Trademark Favorite Food: Korean barbecue.This is how he kills Yugande for good in the penultimate episode.
#Denji sentai megaranger episode list full#
is a spiraling slash of the Drill Saber at full power. Signature Move: The Saber Slash, which.Rotary Sword: The Drill Saber, which is a sword with a drill on the end.Technology Marches On: Said symbol looks outdated nowadays.Law of Chromatic Superiority: Being Mega Red makes him able to program any skills thanks to his Personal Computer symbol.But Kenta justifies it with Obfuscating Stupidity. Idiot Hero: He and Kyousuke Jinnai started the trend for Sentai Red Rangers.I Know Mortal Kombat: Kenta plays Megaranger almost all the time, so he's the most savvy when it comes to battle techniques.The Hero: He's not The Leader like most Reds are, but he's the most prominent and outstanding member of the team.He also grows to care deeply for the baby Nezirejian he names Komutan. Friend to All Children: One of his best friends is Takeshi, a kid who frequents the same arcade he does.Cool Teacher: Has become one by the time the Gokaigers visit him.Blue Oni, Red Oni: The red one to Shun.Therefore, Guirail was the first baddie to get a taste of Mega Red's Battle Riser, being subject to a painful superpowered chop and punch to the face. And it didn't help that Guirail tricked Kenta into punching his friend Takeshi. Guirail learned this the hard way in his own debut episode, while using children as human shields.Just ask Anglerfish Nezire, who murdered his kid brother Komutan in cold blood, then laughed about it. Berserk Button: Hurt a child, and he'll end your ass.Turns out he's not really that dumb, since he can be smart when the time demands. But he usually takes point as most Red Rangers do, since that's usually how it is in Sentai. While he's Red, he's not the leader of the team (that position goes to the more responsible Kouichirou/Mega Black). His gaming habit causes him to be scouted out by INET, and in a moment of crisis, he is chosen to become Mega Red. Kenta Date/Mega Red | Actor: Hayato OshibaĪn underachiever and laziest student attending Moboroshi High School, Kenta Date enjoys eating barbecue and playing the Megaranger arcade game.